Krasnoyarsk region hosts Amur GPP job fair with Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk employee's assistance

«If you are looking for a job at a modern plant, then we are coming» might be a proper title for a large scale recruitment campaign for the Amur GPP, a large plant in Russia. Another meeting with job seekers was held today in Achinsk of the Krasnoyarsk region. Representatives of Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk (investor, owner and operator of Amur GPP) together with the Employment Center held the Amur GPP job fair.

«We host field job fairs in different regions of our country as part of a comprehensive recruitment program for the Amur GPP. Cities with operating oil and gas processing plants are in priority. We presented some jobs of the main and auxiliary facilities in Achinsk. More than 40 professionals with relevant work experience were interviewed by the Amur GPP representatives. This is particularly important for such a high-tech plant as the Amur GPP,» explained Nikolay Chulkov, Head of the Hiring Department of Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk LLC.

As the job seekers note, the job fair format is valuable because everyone can communicate directly with the employer, namely, representatives of the hiring department and process divisions. In turn, the employer gets the chance to directly recruit in-demand professionals.

«It is important to note the comprehensive information and publicity campaign, qualification, efficiency and personal contribution of the dedicated professionals who answer every question of the job seekers in detail. Residents of our region have had the chance to learn about work at the modern plant with good benefits and high salary,» said Mariya Chupakhina, Head of the Department for Employer Cooperation with of Work in Russia Employment Center in Achinsk.