Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk congratulates young Amur residents on Children's Day

This week, the employees of Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk have held several festivities dedicated to the Children's Day. They presented some gifts and held some educational games at the meetings in the town of Svobodny and the Svobodnensky district.

The red cat called Amur Amurych, the symbol and ambassador of the Bezopasnost I Ya (Safety and Me) project, participated in all the events. This project has been implemented by Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk and the Vizit Youth Leisure Center in the educational and social institutions of the town and district for several years. Lectures on safety in the form of games dedicated to the Children's Day have become a tradition in the company.

Together with the My Vmeste association of parents of disabled children, the employees of Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk visited the V Gostyakh U Skazki campsite. The children with disabilities were reminded the safety rules in a playful way there with the help of Amur Amurych.

The residents of the Svobodny orphanage learned a lot of interesting facts about their hometown by playing the Puteshestvuy Po Svobodnomu (Travel to Svobodny) game with Amur Amurych.

During these festive events, the institutions for children and My Vmeste association received certificates for a total of 120 thousand rubles as a gift raised at the charity fair at the Amur GPP.