Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk helps Svobodnensky district school with equipment for foreign language classroom

Secondary school of Yukhta village in the Svobodnensky district of the Amur region now has a state-of-the-art language room for learning foreign languages. Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk acting as the investor, owner and operator of the Amur Gas Processing Plant (GPP) offered its charitable assistance to this company-sponsored school.

«The children were very happy when they started using the new equipment! Many thanks to the Amur Gas Processing Plant staff from us all for the help,» says Elena Pavlik, an English teacher at Yukhta school.

The language room equipment for 16 students also came with a laptop and a mobile interactive complex.

«I am glad that you have more opportunities for high-quality knowledge learning. Our company always seeks to help schools, as this is a step towards your future studies in dedicated colleges and universities. If you graduate with good grades and decide to engage yourselves in gas processing, you have the opportunity to become our company-sponsored students and, ultimately, employees of the Amur GPP,» says Aleksei Kuptsov, Head of the Department for Personnel Recruitment, Adaptation, Development and Welfare at Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk LLC.

Thanks to the assistance from Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk, the equipment in the biology, chemistry, physics and computer science classrooms has been updated, a robotics club has opened, and sports equipment has been purchased in the recent years of partnership with Yukhta school. A modern stadium has been built on the school grounds under the Gazprom for Children program.