Farewell bell rings for Gazprom class students in Svobodny school 1

The farewell bell has rung for the eleventh-graders of the Gazprom class at Svobodny school 1. This is the third group of the dedicated class with 22 students. Most of the students plan to obtain their university degree in the areas of training that will be in demand at the Amur Gas Processing Plant (GPP). To do this, they have studied the profile subjects in depth for two years: mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science. They have participated in industry-level olympiads and student gatherings, competitions of research projects and visited the Amur GPP construction site.

The students are having their unified state exam and university enrolment ahead of them. The best graduates have the opportunity to become sponsored students of Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk LLC and continue their studies at Amur State and Far Eastern Federal Universities, as well as at Gazprom's partner universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tomsk, and Ufa.

Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk acting as the owner, investor and operator of the Amur GPP, initiated the establishment of the Gazprom class at school 1 in Svobodny back in 2017. Seventy two students have been trained so far at the Gazprom class, and almost half of them are now the company-sponsored students. The fourth competition among the ninth-graders of the town and district to have a chance for studying in the Gazprom class in 2023–2025 has been announced at school 1 in Svobodny.