Overall progress of Amur GPP construction by early September 2022 amounted to 86.5%

Restoration and pre-commissioning are underway on process lines 1 and 2. 

Aerodynamic tests of the ventilation system and comprehensive testing of the air conditioning system are nearing completion on process line 3. Hot commissioning is underway at Ladoga gas compression unit No. 5 and 6. Re-assembly of pipelines, application of fireproofing and insulation, and pre-commissioning are underway at the unit for dehydration and removal of impurities from the feed gas.

Testing and re-assembly of process pipelines, insulation and electrical works, as well as loop testing of the automation systems are underway on process line 4. Power is now supplied at 10 kV substation according to the project. Installation of pipelines and oil flushing are underway at Ladoga gas compression unit No. 7 and 8.

Erection of auxiliary steel structures is underway on process line 5. Erection of the main steel structures and sandwich panels has been completed in 10 kV substation building.

Pre-assembly and erection of steel structures are underway on process line 6.